- In period 1946 – 1992 she’s illustrated many children’s books (total of 90 titles) including the famous fairy tales and rhymes by K.J. Erben called“…”,K. Černý´s“…”, “Goldilocks” by J. Kainar, E. Bernardinová´s “Boys, Girls and Stodulky”,“…”by H. Průchová,“…”by D. Hilarová or“…”by A. Lindgren.
- She’s written and illustrated the book “My dad Josef Lada” in 1963.
- When it comes to the number of copies printed (Alter publishing house), the most successful title illustrated by Alena Ladová is “Živá abeceda”. It was first published in 1991.
- She’s produced many illustrations (both colour and black and white) for newspapers and popular Czech magazines such as Mateřídouška, Vlasta, Květy or Dikobraz.She’s cooperated with Czech TV (costume design, props and backdrops) in the making of various fairy tales. She´s also contributed (specialist assistance) to the animated film production (“Mikes” and “…”).
- She’d also cooperated with several theatres. Her costume designs, backdrops and props made an appearance in various performances inthe Estates Theatre in Prague, National Theatre in Brno or theatre Kladno.
- She’s illustrated many Christmas and Easter cards and designed a few music album covers.
- Her work got exhibited in Prague, Brandýs n. Labem, Náchod and at chateau Jemniště.